2020 Annual meeting
NCHCA members gathered in Warrens, Wisconsin on February 1st and 2nd for the annual meeting and educational session at Three Bears Resort.
Saturday attendees heard two excellent speakers.
Bill Halfman, an agricultural agent from Monroe County was up next for our second session. He spent time discussing the nutritional needs of cattle and gave us ideas that we could apply to our field and pasture management in order to allow our cattle to grow and mature to reach peak performance keeping them healthy and productive their entire lives.
Katie Pfeiffer, a Reproductive Specialist with CentralStar Genetic and Reproductive Services, spoke about breeding cattle and talked in depth about artificial insemination, including a discussion of a number of synchronization protocols. Katie answered member questions and provided helpful information for those will all levels of experience with AI.
Click HERE to download a copy of the presentation slides. |
Cindy Weideman shared decades of history of both the North Central Highland Cattle Association and the American Highland Association. She compiled an amazing collection of photos and facts that she has collected over the years and shared copies of the collection with attendees. Thanks to Cindy for putting the information together and sharing it with us all. |
outstanding service awardS
sue dykeThe NCHCA board honored Sue Dyke of Almosta Farm for her many years of service to our region and her phenomenal leadership and devotion to our NCHCA juniors. Sue has stepped down as Junior Committee Chair this year and turned those reigns over to Tina Broderick of Tabletop Acres. Congratulations, Sue and thank you as you pass the juniors off to new leadership!
billy johnstonThe NCHCA board honored Billy Johnston of Dalraida Highland Farm for his many years of hard work and support of the Association. Billy's friendship to all our members, as well as his experience and leadership has helped guide and promote our regional association from its early years to what we have become today. Congratulations, Billy and thank you for all you have done for NCHCA!
On Sunday morning, the business meeting was held. The board updated members about priorities and projects it has been working on during the year. Committees made reports on their activities for the year and recommendations for the upcoming year. Some of the highlights are:
- New displays have been purchased to help promote highlands at a variety of events. Special thanks to Four T Acres for their generous support of this project.
- The Association had a booth at the Grassworks conference in January for the first time, promoting the breed to this audience.
Elections for one director position and the AHCA regional director were held. Officers and directors are
President: Randi Johnson Vice-president: Jan Larson Secretary: Anne Proctor Treasurer: Josh Krenz AHCA Board: Mark Schulz Directors: Jon Carlson Kevin Opperman Daniel Webster |
items of note
Thanks to all members who were able to make the meeting and a special welcome to the many new faces who came to the session. See you all next year!
Special thanks go to Kerie Olson and Jan Larson for the great job planning and organizing the event. Looking forward to next year!