tabletop acres
Chris & Tina Broderick, Charli and Jordan 13188 Lakeview Court Pound, WI 54161-8818 Contact: 920-592-0591 [email protected] |
Our journey as Tabletop Acres started in spring of 2019 with renting land, planting pastures, and preparing solar fencing. Our first cattle arrived in October of 2019. Our farm name is two-fold; providing beef for the tabletop and it also references a “tabletop” jump, as the boys are into bikes and motorcycles. We manage and operate the farm with our kids and family’s help. Our kids, Charli and Jordan both enjoy working with the animals and showing them at shows. Chris’s family had a dairy farm for a time during his childhood and Tina grew up around, and worked several years in a butcher shop her grandfather had started. We both enjoy reminiscing these parts of our childhoods and being able to share that with our kids.